(Life restoration of the dolphins described in this study: Kentriodon in the foreground, in the background a squalodelphinid (left) and a physeterid (right) chasing a group of eurhinodelphinids. Credit: Jaime Chirinos)
(UZH palaeontologist Gabriel Aguirre holding a dolphin earbone fossil (right) and an enlarged 3D print of the inner ear (center). The spiral is the cochlea, an organ involved in hearing. Credit: Aldo Benites)
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Gabriel Aguirre-Fernández et al, First records of extinct kentriodontid and squalodelphinid dolphins from the Upper Marine Molasse (Burdigalian age) of Switzerland and a reappraisal of the Swiss cetacean fauna, PeerJ (2022). DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13251
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