AMD가 올해 선보일 차기 아키텍처인 Zen 3의 구형 칩셋 지원 계획을 발표했습니다. 이에 따르면 일부 X470 및 B450 메인보드는 바이오스 업데이트를 통해 라이젠 4000 CPU를 지원할 수 있습니다. 현재 개발이 다 끝나지 않은 CPU이지만, 현재는 상당 부분 개발이 완료되었을 시점이고 메인보드 지원 역시 충분히 테스트 되었을 것입니다. 일단 지원이 가능하다는 점은 긍정적이나 세부적인 내용은 다소 복잡합니다.
As we head into our upcoming “Zen 3” architecture, there are considerable technical challenges that face a CPU socket as long-lived as AMD Socket AM4. For example, we recently announced that we would not support “Zen 3” on AMD 400 Series motherboards due to serious constraints in SPI ROM capacities in most of the AMD 400 Series motherboards. This is not the first time a technical hurdle has come up with Socket AM4 given the longevity of this socket, but it is the first time our enthusiasts have faced such a hurdle.
Over the past week, we closely reviewed your feedback on that news: we watched every video, read every comment and saw every Tweet. We hear that many of you hoped a longer upgrade path. We hear your hope that AMD B450 and X470 chipsets would carry you into the “Zen 3” era.
Our experience has been that large-scale BIOS upgrades can be difficult and confusing especially as processors come on and off the support lists. As the community of Socket AM4 customers has grown over the past three years, our intention was to take a path forward that provides the safest upgrade experience for the largest number of users. However, we hear you loud and clear when you tell us you would like to see B450 or X470 boards extended to the next generation “Zen 3” products.
As the team weighed your feedback against the technical challenges we face, we decided to change course. As a result, we will enable an upgrade path for B450 and X470 customers that adds support for next-gen AMD Ryzen™ Processors with the “Zen 3” architecture. This decision is very fresh, but here is a first look at how the upgrade path is expected to work for customers of these motherboards.
1, We will develop and enable our motherboard partners with the code to support “Zen 3”-based processors in select beta BIOSes for AMD B450 and X470 motherboards.
2, These optional BIOS updates will disable support for many existing AMD Ryzen™ Desktop Processor models to make the necessary ROM space available.
3. The select beta BIOSes will enable a one-way upgrade path for AMD Ryzen Processors with “Zen 3,” coming later this year. Flashing back to an older BIOS version will not be supported.
4. To reduce the potential for confusion, our intent is to offer BIOS download only to verified customers of 400 Series motherboards who have purchased a new desktop processor with “Zen 3” inside. This will help us ensure that customers have a bootable processor on-hand after the BIOS flash, minimizing the risk a user could get caught in a no-boot situation.
5. Timing and availability of the BIOS updates will vary and may not immediately coincide with the availability of the first “Zen 3”-based processors.
6. This is the final pathway AMD can enable for 400 Series motherboards to add new CPU support. CPU releases beyond “Zen 3” will require a newer motherboard.
7. AMD continues to recommend that customers choose an AMD 500 Series motherboard for the best performance and features with our new CPUs.
There are still many details to iron out, but we’ve already started the necessary planning. As we get closer to the launch of this upgrade path, you should expect another blog just like this to provide the remaining details and a walkthrough of the specific process.
At CES 2017, AMD made a commitment: we would support AMD Socket AM4 until 2020. We’ve spent the next three years working very hard to fulfill that promise across four architectures, plus pioneering use of new technologies like chiplets and PCIe® Gen 4. Thanks to your feedback, we are now set to bring “Zen 3” to the AMD 400 Series chipsets. We’re grateful for your passion and support of AMD’s products and technologies.
말이 길지만 내용을 요약하면 Zen 3 지원을 위해서는 바이오스를 상당 부분 교체해야 하며 이로 인해 구형 라이젠 CPU는 사용할 수 없을 수도 있다는 것입니다. 또 바이오스를 이전 상태로 100% 복원할 수 없을 것이라고 합니다. 따라서 Zen 3 기반 CPU를 X470/B450 메인보드에 사용하려는 유저는 신중하게 결정할 필요가 있을 것입니다.
사실 400 시리즈 칩셋이 12nm 공정 Zen +를 기준으로 만들어졌기 때문에 7nm + 기반의 Zen 3 CPU를 완벽하게 지원하지 못한다고 해서 비난할 부분은 아니라고 생각됩니다. 아키텍처와 미세 공정 모두 많이 달라졌으니까요. 오히려 몇 년째 같은 아키텍처와 미세공정을 유지했음에도 새로운 소켓을 만들어 아예 100% 호환되지 않게 만든 인텔이 더 문제가 있어 보입니다.
개인적으로는 2000/3000 시리즈 라이젠을 이미 잘 사용하고 있는 X470/B450 유저들이라면 굳이 모험을 할 필요가 있을까 하는 생각입니다. 좀 더 기다려봐야 알겠지만, 바이오스 업데이트가 문제가 많다면 좀 더 기다렸다가 전체적인 업그레이드를 하는 것이 더 유리합니다. 내년에는 DDR5가 본격 보급될 가능성이 있으며 CPU 미세 공정과 아키텍처도 당연히 개선될 것입니다.
솔직히 2000/3000 시리즈 사용자가 4000 시리즈로 옮겨가는 것은 옆그레이드의 가능성이 있습니다. 라이젠 5000 이상 혹은 코어 프로세서 12세대 이후 제품과 DDR5, PCIe 5.0, USB 4.0 같은 새로운 기능이 추가된 후 CPU, 메인보드, 메모리 까지 한 번에 업그레이드 하는 것이 제 생각에는 가장 현명한 방법이 아닐까 생각합니다. 물론 지금 라이젠 4000 시리즈를 기다리는 유저라면 당연히 500 시리즈 칩셋으로 가는 것이 맞습니다.
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