(This Hubble Space Telescope image of the barred spiral galaxy UGC 12158 looks like someone took a white marking pen to it. In reality, it is a combination of time exposures of a foreground asteroid moving through Hubble's field of view, photobombing the observation of the galaxy. Several exposures of the galaxy were taken, which is evidenced in the dashed pattern. The asteroid appears as a curved trail due to parallax because Hubble is not stationary but orbiting Earth, and this gives the illusion that the faint asteroid is swimming along a curved trajectory. The uncharted asteroid is inside the asteroid belt in our solar system and hence is 10 trillion times closer to Hubble than the background galaxy. Rather than a nuisance, this type of data is useful to astronomers for doing a census of the asteroid population in our solar system. Credit: NASA, ESA, Pablo García Martín (UAM); Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI); Acknowledgment: Alex Filippenko (UC Berkeley)) (This ...
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