(Artist's conception. Credit: ESA/Hubble Information Centre) (A panel of exoplanet demographics information from the NASA Exoplanet Archive as of 2022 August. Nonspecified, field-age planets are represented by the light-blue contours and light-blue triangles. Specified planets have been searched for atmospheric escape. Filled circles indicate at least one published detection of hydrogen and/or helium escape. The crosses indicate hydrogen/helium escape nondetections. Among the detections/nondetections, field-age planets are dark blue, whereas young planets are red. The black star represents AU Mic b, with its range in bulk density showing its spread in mass measurements. The left panel shows the distribution of exoplanets in radius and period. The middle panel shows exoplanet radius vs. its X-ray-to-ultraviolet irradiation (Foster et al. 2022). The right panel shows exoplanet radius vs. bulk density limited to planets with σρ < 0.1ρ. Credit: The Astronomical Journal (2023). D
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